
Tibetan Terrier trimming

Price from 90€ – Book an appointment now

BONJOUR Dog Grooming offers a wide range of dog grooming services, such as Tibetan Terrier grooming, undercoat wash, hand stripping, washing, nail trimming and other related services in Jätkäsaari, Helsinki, Tapiola and Olari, Espoo. Prices and further details of our services are available through our appointment booking system. Our grooming salons are open according to the booked times. You can also come to nail clipping without an appointment, but please make sure that we are there.

Tibetan terrier trimming

Instructions for Tibetan Terrier trimming

Please walk your dog well before coming to the kennel and arrive on time, and also pick up your dog on time. It is important that you pick up your dog friend on time and do not, for example, arrive too early to the groomer, as this often gets the dog friend excited, which is a good thing, but often makes the grooming process much more difficult.

We recommend that you leave your dog at the groomer for the duration of the service and then pick it up at the agreed time. The dog is often much calmer when the owner is not around and a calm dog is much easier to train. Of course, you can also stay and wait if you wish, as long as this does not make trimming more difficult. In some cases, it is desirable for the owner to stay, for example if there is a pet that is prone to aggression, in which case the owner can also have a calming effect.

If your dog only needs/needs certain treats, please bring your own treats. Names are good rewards.

It is also worth noting that sometimes trimming times can be extended. Dogs are dogs and some are very well behaved, so naturally the trimming will go like a dance, but if the dog is particularly timid, for example, or cannot stay still, or has a tendency to be aggressive, then this means that you also have to proceed more calmly with the trimming. The duration of the time is also affected by, among other things, how the owner has booked the time. For example, if the dog has a lot of coat and there is no extra time for bailing, this will of course extend the trimming time and we may not be able to start the next client on time. The best way to influence this is to check the coat of your dog friend when you make the appointment. Most of the time, you can tell by examining/checking the coat if it needs more time to be trimmed, for example. Of course, if you know that your own dog friend is more challenging/time-consuming to trim, for example, it is also a good idea to book extra time for the treatment when making the appointment.

We work on the terms of a dog lover. We have a firm and competent grip and we specialise in trimming dogs, but if the dog is clearly not letting us do some trimming, there is unfortunately nothing we can do. These are usually related in one way or another to the dog’s past experiences.

We will do our best to accommodate any special needs your dog friend may have. But we need to know about these in advance. If there are specific issues you need to think about, you can send us a message, for example.
. We will reply no later than the next working day. And of course, when you make an appointment, it’s a good idea to write to us with any additional information you may have.


Tibetan Terrier trimming – Locations

BONJOUR – Tibetan Terrier trmming
Dog Grooming Olari

Kuutamokatu 4A
02210 Espoo
050 569 4653


BONJOUR Olari is located in Espoo, Olari, at Kuutamokatu 4 A. The salon is located in a quiet and cosy courtyard, where it is nice to come. Disc-parking places from fifteen minutes to four hours can be found along the street. The grooming salon is open according to the reservation times. Nail clipping can be arranged without an appointment. However, please make sure that we are present.

BONJOUR – Tibetan Terrier trimming
Dog Grooming Tapiola
Louhentie 2
02130 Espoo
050 569 4653


BONJOUR Tapiola is located in Espoo, Tapiola, at Louhentie 2, in Pohjantori shopping centre. The grooming salon is located in a quiet and pleasant area surrounded by parks and nature. There are multiple disc-parking places on both sides of the shopping centre. The grooming salon is open according to the reservation times. Nail clipping can be arranged without an appointment. However, please make sure that we are present.

BONJOUR – Tibetan Terrier trimming
Dog Grooming Jätkäsaari
Malagankatu 6
00220 Helsinki
050 569 4653

BONJOUR Jätkäsaari is located in the seaside and relaxed urban Jätkäsaari at Malagankatu 6, right next to hyväntoivonpuisto park. There are parking spaces next to the grooming salon and you can easily get there by public transport also. The grooming salon is open according to the reservation times. Nail clipping can be arranged without an appointment. However, please make sure that we are present.

Book an appointment by phone 050 569 4653 (weekdays 8.00-16.00)