
BONJOUR Koiratrimmaamo provides dog grooming, undercoat wash, hand stripping, washing, nail clipping and other ancillary services in Jätkäsaari, Helsinki and in Tapiola and Olari, Espoo. Grooming salons are open according to the reservation times, when your pet can also come for a nail clipping without an appointment. However, please make sure that we are present.

What the different grooming procedures mean and starting prices

The coat is shaved short everywhere to a practical and easy to maintain style. In the service, hair length remains approx. 0.15-1 cm. Let us know your wishes regarding to the lengt of the hair. The tail and the head area can be slightly shaped with scissors. Starting price 87€.

The coat is shaped to short style where also the lengt of the hair can vary in different parts of the body. The result will be practical, however, in such a way that the dog has a breed kind of expression and model. The coat length remains approx. 1.3-2.5 cm. Let us know your wishes regarding to the grooming. Starting price 97€.

The coat is shaped into a longer, more showy and more breed-like style. Let us know your wishes regarding to the grooming. Starting price 112€. Please note that we do not perform show grooming.

For dogs with undercoat, with so-called double coat, meaning that their coat includes undercoat. The undercoat that comes off during the service is removed by washing and using a powerful fan and brushing. Please also choose any additional service, if necessary, if you want, for instance, a shorter coat or a shape trimming. In all washing services, the dog’s coat is washed with a high-quality shampoo suitable for the coat quality and finished with a conditioner. Starting price 78€.

Hand stripping the coat (if the breed can be hand stripped) and washing so that the skin calms down faster. Starting price 85€.

Hand stripping the coat (if the breed can be hand stripped). Starting price 104€.

The dog’s coat is washed with a high-quality shampoo suitable for the coat quality and finished with a conditioner, followed by blow-drying of the coat using a strong fan. If preferred, we also use fragrance-free products. Starting price 35€ (as a only service). For undercoat breeds, choose undercoat wash.

Skin stimulating and energizing nature fresh mud bath treatment (select the service in connection with additional services). Starting price 55€.

Nail clipping, paw cleaning, snout cleaning and, for instance, back area tidy up. Please note, however, that tidy up is a significantly lighter service than grooming, and the service does not include a full tidy of the coat. Starting price 35€.

Dog’s nail clipping using firm but gentle techniques. All grooming services include nail clipping. Starting price 15€, every 9th nail clipping for free.

If the nail clipping is demanding, i.e. the dog friend is, for example, particularly aggressive, does not stay put at all, is particularly fearful, or for example does not tolerate other dogs nearby, then let’s book a separate time for this.

In the above-mentioned cases, contact us before booking an appointment either by phone +358 50 569 4653 (weekdays 8:00-17:00) or by email (, and we will find a separate time together. In this case, depending on the situation, we can look at a time that is as calm as possible and that there is also a groomer with experience in demanding nail clipping. The continuation will be considered according to the situation.

Please also note that if the nail clipping is not possible to do at the grooming salon, i.e. if it is a particularly aggressive case and the situation for example would be dangerous for the groomer or the dog itself, then we will not perform nail clipping or other services. In cases like this, it may be possible to do nail clipping under sedation at the vet, for example.

Starting price 29€.

If the dog is particularly sensitive to nail clipping, the nails can also be filed shorter. Our nail trimmer is quiet, and dogs who are often afraid of nail clipping doesn’t often mind about nail trimming with a nail trimmer. You can also choose nail filing as an additional service after nail clipping. In this way, the sharp edges of the nails can be rounded, and the edges finished. In this case, for instance, if the dog jumps for joy and its nails hit the human skin, there will be no marks, because the edges of the nails are rounded. Starting price 22€ (as a only service).

Nail clipping, paw tidy up and proper pad greasing. Starting price 29€.

Plucking hair that blocks the ear canal for breeds where it’s necessary. Please let us know your preferences, and we’ll adjust accordingly.

The service also includes cleaning the ears with a dog-specific ear cleaning solution and, if desired, trimming the ear hair.

Regularly performing this procedure keeps your dog’s ears clean, improves air circulation, enhances overall well-being, and helps prevent ear infections. Starting price 29€.

Cleaning the ears from the outside and cleaning the ears inside with a cleaning towel and an ear cleaner suitable for dog’s ears. The ears should be cleaned regularly, especially during puppyhood, so that the dog gets used to treatments. Starting price 19€ (as a only service).

A service intended to maintain the coat’s good and clean condition, with washing and coat brushing included. In all washing services, the dog’s coat is washed with a high-quality shampoo suitable for the coat quality and finished with a conditioner. Starting price 45€ (as a only service).

Thorough brushing (includes nail trimming). An excellent service if you want to keep your dog’s coat in good condition between baths and grooming sessions. If your dog’s coat has become matted, please select the mat detangling service and any other additional services you may want. Prices from 35€.

Introducing the puppy (max. approx. 5 months old) to the grooming salon and various grooming procedures. The purpose of the services is to gently accustom the puppy to, among other things, grooming procedures, washing, hand stripping, paw cleaning and nail trimming. This ensures that the dog gets used to the grooming procedures from its puppyhood and it becomes part of the dog’s normal routine. Please note that puppy introductory visits do not include a full coat grooming. Starting price 35€.

During the introductory visit, your dog will have the chance to explore the space, sniff around, and meet the groomer. The visit includes gentle exercises and familiarization with the facilities. The goal is to help your dog feel comfortable and confident for future grooming sessions. The visit is suitable for dogs of all ages.

An appointment for this service must be booked separately, so please contact us by phone +358 50 569 4653 (weekdays 8:00-16.00) or email, and we’ll arrange a suitable time!

The introductory visit lasts 15 minutes and costs 19 €.

Tick removal using tick tweezers, followed by disinfection of the bite area. Starting price 19€ (as a only service).

Instructions when coming to the grooming salon

Please walk your dog friend well in advance before visiting the grooming salon.

Please arrive on time and when picking the dog, do not arrive too early, as this often gets the pet excited, which is a good thing in itself, but this often complicates the performance of grooming procedures substantially.

We recommend leaving the dog friend at the grooming salon for the duration of the grooming service and then picking it up at the agreed time. A dog is often much calmer when the owner is not around and a calm pet is much easier to groom. In some cases, it is desirable that the owner stays if, for instance, there is a dog prone to aggressiveness, in which case the owner can also have a calming effect.

If your dog friend only needs/desires certain treats, please bring along your own treats. It’s good to reward using treats.

It is also good to note that sometimes the trimming times can be longer. Dogs are dogs and some are very well behaved and the trimming goes like a dance, but if the dog is for example particularly timid, doesn’t stay put or has a tendency to aggression, this usually means that you also have to proceed more calmly with the trimming procedures. The duration of the time is also affected by among other things, how the owner has reserved time. For example, if the dog has a lot of tangles and no additional time has been reserved for tangles, this will of course extend the trimming time and possibly we will not be able to start the next customer on time. The best way to influence this when booking an appointment is to examine a dog friend’s coat. Most of the time  by examining/touching the fur, you can see if the fur needs for example, additional time in connection with trimming. Sure also if you know that your dog friend is, for example, more challenging/time consuming to trim then it is sure appropriate to reserve additional time for treatment when booking an appointment. It’s also good to note that if the fur has a lot of tangles or the fur is matted, in most cases the only option is to shave down the coat. Please note that we don’t do show dog groomings/tidy ups.

We also do not force dog friend’s to do anything. We have sure and competent grips and we specialize in dog grooming, but if the dog clearly does not allow some grooming procedures to be done, unfortunately we cannot do anything about this kind of thing. These are usually related in one way or another to the dog’s previous experiences.

We do our best to consider your dog’s possible special needs. However, we need to know about these needs in advance. If there are matters to consider separately, you can, for instance, send us a message at We will reply on the next business day at the latest. And of course, when booking an appointment, it is good to write any additional information to us.


Book an appointment by phone 050 569 4653 (weekdays 8.00-16.00)